
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

365QOD- Day976


"Despite campaigns aimed at educating both clinicians and patients, studies show that hospital staff comply with hand washing periodicals only 50% of the time"-WSJ article

I was reading a Wall Street Journal article about SwipeSense when this statistic cough my attention. Immediately it make me wonder.

Why would people that know that "since 1880s that hand hygiene decreases the risk for infection and transmission from person to person" not follow the requirement. It is a classical gap between knowing and doing.

SwipeSense is providing sensors and gel dispensers designed to analyze and provide an incentive for the staff to follow the protocol.  But why is the knowledge not enough.

I believe that in this instance doctors feel that they know more than the rest of us and see themselves as above the rest of us. Even thigh their oath emphasizes that they do no harm they are doing harm.  It is their ego that is driving their decision making. 

Today's question is:
"How do you prevent your ego from driving your decisions?"

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