
Saturday, October 19, 2013

365QOD- Day987

"Me and my shadow"-words to a song

I was reading an online version of Inc. magazine and came across a story about Jeff Bezos.  In the story it tells how Jeff has a person who is assigned to shadow him and serve as his sounding board.

Some of his shadows held that position for a few years and then became a CEO of a division.  This is a brilliant way to develop the shadow in the way you feel well set them up for success.

In the story Jeff tells that shadow success is defined by each person getting to know the other and then developing trust.  This is very risky since the shadow can then find an executive position elsewhere.

I love this idea but unless you are the CEO how do you apply this idea? I believe that a younger coworker might be interested in becoming a shadow of a more senior employee.  The senior takes the shadow to meetings and then asks them for feedback.  What went good and what went bad?

If both agree to get to know each other and trust each others opinion then both will grow.  It does not have to be full time either.  I say 20% of time overlap is ideal.

Today's question is:
"Would a shadow be beneficial to your development?"

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