Financial Risk
"Money, I got to have it..."-song lyric
I think of each dollar as 100 soldiers. Ever one of these soldiers deserves our attention and respect. Without the attention and respect we are exposing ourselves to greater financial risk.
Most of us will easily earn more than a million dollars in our life. But most of us will never become millionaires. Why? It is our exposure to risk.
I believe that our mindsets are not set up to become millionaires. We tend to expose ourselves daily to poor financial decisions. Decisions that just take money out of our pocket. $5 Latte anyone?
We are letting or soldiers go into fights and get wasted. Even better, we give then away to others by making questionable purchases that have use in only the short term. This does not allow us to grow our army. We put ourselves in a position where we are constantly trading our time soldiers, seconds, for money soldiers, pennies. In other words, we work to spend.
Today's question is:
"Are you giving away your soldiers?"
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