
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

365QOD- Day983

Intellectual Risk

"I am smarter than that."- self encouragement

I believe that our intelligence can grow over time.  If we choose to expose ourselves to continuous learning then our whole life will make us smarter.

As you might have noticed, our world is moving at an incredible pace.  If you are not drowning in email then you have not checked it yet.  There are so many channels on TV that you can easily just keep flipping without stopping to see a while show.  How about the number of new books that are published each day?

The world around us provides us with a ton of new data.  It is so much data that we seldom have time to convert it into information.  But we must.  That data can then become knowledge and over time lead to wisdom.

It all starts with exposing ourselves to new information.  Noticed that I said information and not data.  Information is processed data.  It is one step above.

This is where intellectual risk comes into play.  What if we are not smart enough to absorb the information?  Or even better, not smart enough to find the information we need?

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