
Sunday, October 27, 2013

365QOD- Day995

Phone Brick
"A lot of people hate changing their phone"-a news story hook
The other day I watched the evening news and heard a story about a young guy who had come up with a way to change the way we update our phones.  His idea was to make the phone modular.
The PC is made up of many sub systems.  If you want a CD drive you put one in.  If you want to add a DVD drive there is a slot for that.  You want to change the video card, take it out and put in a better one.
The story explained his idea by showing that one side of the phone is simply a screen.  Behind the screen was a two sides base into which one side plugged in the screen.  It plugged in pretty much like a Lego  block.
On the other side of the base the user could choose what functions and capabilities were important to them. So you want extra long battery time, plug in two battery blocks. Don't need wifi then take the block out. Don't need a sound card take out that block. Need more memory then add an additional block of memory.
You get the idea.  To this phone block you would add or remove blocks to fit your purpose.  I think that the idea is very interesting but late.  Most of us expect to get a new phone every two years in order to keep up with all of the new changes in capabilities.  We want that new shiny toy. 
I am not convinced that we want to modify our old toy.  Maybe I am wrong? For most of us a phone is a toy, not a tool.  The new and shiny appeals to us.
Today's question is:
"Would you stay with your old phone if you could modify it out do you want a new one?"

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