
Sunday, March 2, 2014

365QOD- Day1120

Not Worth a ____

"There are two kinds of players that are not worth a damn: ones that don't do what you tell them to do, and ones that do exactly what you tell them to do"- Bum Philips, NFL coach

I asked a wise co-worker, Mr. Kevin Cotton, for a quote and h gave me this gem.  I love it! Let us take it apart.

First type of player are the ones that don't do what you asked them to do.  This could be because of a legitimate reason(thinking about it) or because the don't 'feel' like it.  In the end these types of people are the thinkers and non-doers.

Second type of players are the ones that do exactly what you ask them.  They do no more, no less.  Literally they give you exactly what you asked for.  Unfortunately, while they are just doing it, the conditions might have changed and the requirement is no longer valid.  So the problem is that they are not thinking BUT just doing.

In the end, based on this quote the only useful players are the ones that are adaptive thinkers and doers.

Today's question is:
"What type of player are you?" 

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