
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

365QOD- Day1143


"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"- Sun Tzu

I have been thinking about trust lately.  How do we grant someone trust?  How often we give it to the wrong person?  Why do we fail in this critical decision?

In reality, we all have gotten burned in life by the people that we trust.  Hell, we might even be related to some of them.  But the idea of granting someone trust means that person would not willingly hurt us.  This occurs over time when trust remains unbroken.  The other person becomes like a physical part of us.  It is like our left hand hurting the right.  Well, it should be... but often it is not.  The loss of trust reflects poorly on the other person. 

How often we are wrong reflects on us directly.  We gave the trust away to someone who was not deserving of the trust.  We failed at completely understanding the person to whom we gave the trust.  This person might have had a singular slip of trust or a major character flaw.  Only some thinking and time will show the true answer.  

My thoughts have led me to realize that even singular breaks in trust should result in severing the relationship.  If I person fails you once then do not take the chance with them again.  

Today's question is:
"How do you give your trust to a friend?"

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