
Thursday, March 27, 2014

365QOD- Day1145

Not Making Decisions

"Every day I wear the same outfit and eat the same dinner. As an entrepreneur there are hundreds of micro-decisions I need to make, and decision fatigue can be a huge problem, so I try to eliminate any decisions I don't have to make.

For example, I only own 5 white t-shirts. In the morning I never need to think about what I'll be wearing: it's going to be a white t-shirt. I also only own 2 pairs of pants.

I do the same thing with meals. I have the exact same dinner 6 times a week (1 sweet potato, 1 chicken breast, 1 red bell pepper, 1 zucchini, pan-fried with tomato sauce) for the exact same reason. Staying focused on eating healthy can take a lot of willpower, and I'd rather spend that willpower on different decisions--so I created a healthy meal I can eat every day. The fewer decisions you have to make, the better decisions you can make."- Leo Widrich in an Inc. article titled 20 Unusual Things 20 Successful People Do Every Day

What stood out about this quote is the part "..I try to eliminate any decisions I don't have to make." It immediately send me thinking about this idea.

We all make a lot of decisions each day.  Would it be helpful if many of these were made automatic?  Pick one type of outfit as your style and every day wear the same thing.  Just like Steve Jobs. Maybe eat the same food for breakfast and lunch and vary it for dinner?

I believe most of us would not agree to these extremes.  We like making decisions even if they make us tired.  Maybe the ideal is to reduce the number of decisions?

Today's question is:
"Which decisions you make every day should be made automatic?

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