
Monday, March 24, 2014

365QOD- Day1142

Creating Your Own Programs

"Focus on strengthening your strengths while improving your weaknesses"- my advice

While reading the book Mastery by Robert Greene I came across a story about Bill Bradley.  Bill Bradley is a very colorful person.  He was a star basketball player in college and pros.  Afterwards he became a senator.

What amazed me about his story is that he realized that he wanted to be a basketball player but that he was very limited.  He self created various drills that would improve his basketball skills.

One such example was wearing glasses with a paper underneath to force him not to look down while dribbling.  This allowed him to focus on where to pass instead of where is the ball.  He became an excellent  passer.

In another story he was on a ship crossing the ocean and created a drill in which he dribbled up and down the length of the ship in a super tight walkway.  This improved his control.

As an adult putting drills in place in order to improve a particular skill is impressive.  When you are young and develop these it is even more impressive. 

I believe that the lesson here is that we should all create drills that will improve our skills.  These don't all have to be physical.  They can be drills to improve a thinking skill or the method you use to accomplish a task.

Today's question is:
"Have you ever devised drills for yourself?"

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