
Friday, March 28, 2014

365QOD- Day1146

Starting Your Day

“I hand write three thank you cards every day on the train ride in to work. Totally-old-fashioned, I know, but how do you feel about your email volume these days? If you're at all like me, even getting a thank you email can be annoying.

When my staff, customers, partners, investors, media and others get my thank you cards, they love them and it cements my relationships with them. But the main reason I hand-write three thank you cards every day is that it allows me to focus on others and transforms my mood from bad to good, from good to great, or from great to ecstatic. You can't be upset and grateful at the same time, and this practice puts me in a great mood--to have a great day--every single day.”-Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Local

Today I read several unusual ways that some people start their day.  The way Dave starts his day was wonderful that I decided to share it with you.  It makes me rethink my start.

I believe that we often are self-obsessed.  It is all about us.  Well, usually it is not about us.  And as Dave reminds us it should be about connecting with people and showing your appreciation.

The wisdom in this quote is in that he writes three cards.  Now that is tough.  I can see how writing one would be off the top response. It would be easy.  But to do three would be tough.  You really have to think about who really affected your life in a positive way.  

I believe that the practice would be very transformative.  I do not know if I am ready to begin it myself.  It would be very tough.

Today's question is:
"Could you continuously write three thank you cards each day forever?"

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