
Monday, March 3, 2014

365QOD- Day1121

Take a New Risk Every Day

"Taking a baby aspirin can lower your risk of stroke and heart attack"-

If an aspirin a day can prevent stroke and heart attack what is the effect of taking a new risk each day?  When I say risk, I am not talking about stupid risk.  Yes jumping in front of a moving car is risky BUT it really stupid.

What I am talking about is taking risks by doing and exposing ourselves to new people and challenges each day.  Some examples:
You start your day by drinking coffee then switch it to tea.
You drive by taking a highway, instead take the mickey mouse slow road.
You start your day by checking email, leave it until after lunch.
You walk into the same shop you frequent, but you never learned the name of the clerk- now you ask.
Your boss asks for a volunteer, so instead of sliding down the chair you speak up.
....I am sure you can come up with many other examples.

The idea is to progressively make the risk a big tougher and less comfortable.  These seem simple risks.  They are but they will change your mindset to one open to new experiences and people.  It is all about stretching yourself outside of the life box you are living in.  Why not?

Today's question is:
"Can you stomach taking a risk per day?"

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