Wanting Something Bad
“Excuses are for
people who don’t want it bad enough!”- Anonymous
I read this quote while looking at fitness pictures. It was not credited to anyone. And in my opinion it has nothing to do with
I always say that either you have a reason for doing
something or an excuse to not do it. And
both are valid. BUT if you want
something done than you need to want it bad enough.
Excuses are easy. You
can always use the, “I don’t have time”, or .”I don’t have the money”. But in reality other things are more
important than what you do not want bad enough.
Notice that I used “other things”. The reason for the plural is that it is often
many things pulling you in different directions so you feel overwhelmed and feel like you can not add to
your plate. This is probably true for
most of us.
So what is the answer?
The answer is to pick your WIG- wildly important goal and dedicate 20%
of your time and attention to it.
Everything else gets the other 80%.
20% of what? 20 percent of your
day. So for a 24 hour day that works out
to be 4.8 hours. OK let us let you slide
a bit. It means you need to dedicate about
4 hours per day towards your WIG.
That might mean giving up 1-1.5 hours of sleep, staying up by an extra 1-1.5 hours,
using your lunch for another hour. What
it means is that you have to become a “time-thief”. You need to steel time from your life and
dedicate it towards your WIG. No one is
going to give it to you.
Today’s question is:
‘How badly do you
want your WIG?”
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