
Sunday, March 9, 2014

365QOD- Day1127

Fourth Discipline of Execution

"One liter per day- easy"- my observation

A few blog posts ago I talked about making a change and used the idea of drinking one liter of water as a challenge.  I even explained the three components needed for the change to take place.

So what happened?  I have not been consistent.  Mentally I know that it is a good thing to do.  I have seen people dehydrated and have some emotional attachment to the issue.  However, I could not find a way to set myself up on the path to success.

The results have been hit or miss.  Some days I make it and it is easy but other days I get busy and forget to keep on the path.

I need to refocus.  I will start recording the amount of water I drink as a way to remind myself.  Like the old adage says, "If it worth doing, it is worth recording."  But I  believe that it is more than that.  I never set up a system where I was held accountable by someone.

That brings up to the fourth discipline of execution.  So far we have a goal that has been set up, and we have leading and lagging indicators, and we have to made sure you have the right lever.  Last discipline is to make it a team effort by having weekly meetings with the team and review what you have done towards the leading indicators and what you will do next week.

I need to find a water buddy...

Today's question is:
"Do you find someone to be your buddy during a change effort?"

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