
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

365QOD- Day1122

New Life Curve

".. we are shifting from an old story of a single, predictable trajectory prescribed by social convention to a new story of Life Reimagined and a new way of living that enables each of us decide out own path, our own journey.

The old story drew the path of life as a simple parabola- you went up one side, down the other. "- Richard Leider and Alan Webber, Life Reimagined book

I just finished reading this book.  Overall, not a bad book BUT I really love their website.  It has a very cool way of you being able to identify a goal towards which to apply the techniques in the book.

I love the visual of this quote where it describes the typical belief of life going up a parabola and then crashing down.  Pretty harsh!  I titled the post a New Life Curve to think through what I believe is the new way to look at life.

I do agree that the first part of our lives 1-50 will have an upward trajectory.  But a parabola no longer fits the data.  Because of loss of loyalty between employers and employees, most likely we will see the trajectory to be upward and made up a several plateaus.  These would signify transition points.

Now what about the part that drops off.  I believe that most of us will continue working longer than our ancestors because we will be healthier than them and we will be more interested in different fields.  I believe that this part will have a slight downward curve that has a few plateaus drops.  In the end it will not be the drastic drop off that the old models predicted.

I do believe that we will bring the passions from our youth that maybe we delayed and turn those into the passions that will make our later parts more productive than our ancestors.  Some might even start that process earlier by Reimagining life in mid-life.

Today's question is:
"What curve would you draw to represent your past and future life?"

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