
Saturday, March 8, 2014

365QOD- Day1126

Third Discipline of Execution

"So I got a goal and I got a lag and lead indicators"- my thought

I am really enjoying this book on execution.  It seems very practical so far.  I can see walking into a group and guiding them to apply it.

So suppose I have a goal to change my weight from 220 to 200 by June 1st.  It fits the From X to Y by Z date format.

I have also identified leading indicators and a lagging indicator.  My leading indicators is controlling my calorie input to 2000 calories.  A second leading indicator is to exercise enough to burn 500 calories.  My lagging indicator is to monitor my weight every morning.

The third discipline of execution is to make sure I have the right lever.  I have to make sure collecting data on these two leading indicators I will move the weight towards the goal.  Is there another better indicator than those two?  Should it be a single lead indicator?  I believe that these two are the best ones I can come up with.  You have to make sure that it is the right lever.  A poor lever will not nudge the bolder(my weight) that we are trying to move.

These three disciplines, according to the book, are setting up the game.  In other words, these three are simply setting up the rules by which we believe we can get a win.

Today's question is:
"Do you know if you are pulling teh right lever?"

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