
Sunday, May 4, 2014

365QOD- Day1183

High Impact Short Duration

"Have you seen Millenium park?"- my question to my Chicago suburb students

On Saturday I drove four and a half hours to Dallas for a meeting. Couple of friends and I had six hours when we were there to see the city.  So the night before I did research on what there is to do in downtown Dallas.

It was amazing how much activity you can squeeze into six hours.  We saw Kennedy's assassination spot, two museums, Pioneer plaza, a couple of parks, etc.  It required a lot of walking but it was worth it.

To point of this post is for us to realize that often where we live are many things to do and see.  We live as if we can always do those things tomorrow.  Unfortunately, we do not.

Tourists come to a city with a plan and limited time.  They want to see the most important places during the short duration that they have.  So with a plan, a date, and willingness to walk you can be like a tourist and visit places of high impact.

Today's question is:
"Which places in your home town are high impact places that you have not visited? When"

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