
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

365QOD- Day1186

Unusual Uses

"Who uses our product in ways we never expected"- Kevin P. Coyne

As inventors we tend to think of a singular use for anything we design.  But this quote provides us with an idea that maybe we should not be so ready to jump in that one box.  Maybe we have multiple boxes? Let me tell you a story.

Many years ago I designed a physical puzzle that was very unique.  I had the puzzle built by one of my co-workers out of wood.  Later on in the day, I added the chains, balls, and rings.  Cool little puzzle.

Later on that evening when I went home I could hardly wait to play with my new game.  Over the years I have learned that physical puzzles need to be solved in forwards and backwards direction.  So for the next several hours, at about 1-2 a.m. the next day, I felt that I had found the only solution to my puzzle.

I was so proud. This pride went for a couple of months as I watched people attempt to solve my puzzl and they were using the solution I had identified.  But then things changed soon.

During the summer I had an intern working for me and he wanted to solve the puzzle.  Well, I said OK.  He took it to his office and found a completely original way to solve the puzzle.  I was blown away.  I had been certain that my solution was unique.  BUT in the end he showed that it was not.

Today's question is:
"Can your product be used in an unexpected way?"

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