
Friday, May 9, 2014

365QOD- Day1188


"What?"- my question

I had a boss who one day walked up to my office door.  I asked him what he was doing and he said MBWA.  I could not help but ask him what the heck is MBWA? He said management by walking around.  He then continued to walk past my office.

I could not believe my ears.  He was not managing by walking around.  What he was doing was simply snooping around- MBSA(managing by snooping around). Not surprisingly in his case, he just did not know the difference.

What is the difference?

When a manager is looking to be of service then he practices MBWA.  He makes himself seen in order to help their team with any issue that they need to bring to them.  This free access builds trust and bonds over time.

MBSA is a silly power game of looking to catch people doing something you can reprimand them for.  It is a waste of time.  If you look you will always find something.  You should be looking to build strengths and not slam people for weaknesses.  Unfortunately, many bosses do not understand this principle.

Today's question is:
"Are you MBWA or MBSA?"

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