
Monday, May 19, 2014

365QOD- Day1198


"BREATHE"- label to stress reduction technique by Dr. Victor Sierpina

Dr. Sierpina writes a column in my local paper The Daily News.  He recently wrote an article in which he gives a technique for outsmarting stress.  I will break down his technique over the next seven posts.

B is for Be Present

I have written before about the ides of being present.  We often find ourselves reliving the past or looking forward to the future so much that we fail to live in the present.  Our ability to reduce stress is limited by the percentage of time we spend being present.

How do we become more present?

In past columns I have talked about a mindfulness bell.  It is an app that can be set o randomly go off and allow you to ask yourself if you are being present.

Another column talks about a faceless watch that vibrates every five minutes to remind you of the passage of time.  This is another great tool.

Today's question is:
"How do you keep yourself in the present?"

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