
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

365QOD- Day1185

To Be List

"What are you going to be in the future?"- a question to a child

The other day I was reading an article on The Difference Between Successful People and Unsuccessful People on LinkedIn by Dave Kerpen.  He gives 16 differences that he noted on a postcard by Andy Bailey.  All differences were good but the title of this post clicked with me immediately.

We often ask this question of small kids and kind of chuckle to the response because we know that most likely they will change their mind.  But what about if we asked the question of ourselves?

As adults we should know what we want to be when we grow up. least by middle age we should.  But I believe there is a bigger lesson in this list.

To me the list is a great way to chart your future.  You are dreaming about what you want to be.  It could be as simple as being a better parent.  A better presenter.  More successful.

I believe that we should all get our journal book and think through for each key area in our lives a To Be goal.  These could be one for each area such as: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, financial, creative, etc.  Each of these key areas will vary for each of us.  Let your child imagination come out.

Today's question is:
"What will you put on your To Be list?"

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