
Saturday, May 10, 2014

365QOD- Day1189

Insignificant Distractions

"What is that?"- loss of focus

I love two word combinations that make me stop and think for a moment.  Are there such things as insignificant distractions?  How do you measure that?

Most of us have our days tightly built around getting things done.  So when someone comes into our office to ask a quick question, we get distracted.  If it is honestly a simple question then we can rebound and continue with the flow as they leave.

Another example could be looking at a Yohoo web page and seeing an new story that catches your eye.  Well, you stop to investigate and an hour later you are still investigating.  This is more of a significant distraction.

As you can tell both of these started off as insignificant but both could turn into significant if we do not manage them.  So how do we manage distractions?

Well, when a person walks into your office unexpectedly, start walking towards the door while talking with them as if you need to go get a drink or use the bathroom.  Continue talking as you take this mental break and answering the question.

For self-abuse you have to give yourself an IF-THEN rule.  IF I read this article THEN I will go back to work within 5 minutes. This way you stop the temptation to surf.

Today's question is:
"How do you stop distractions?"

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