
Sunday, May 11, 2014

365QOD- Day1190

Stopping Oneself

"What prevents me from making the changes I know will make me a more effective leader?"- Marshall Goldsmith question in Inc.'s 35 Great Questions article

When I read this question I immediately thought why should it be limited to leadership.  Not every one of us is  a leader.  Some of us are doers.

The question could easily be rephrased as:.
"What prevents me from making the changes I know will make me a more effective X?"  where X is anything you feel needs improving.  If you want to be a better boss then you fill boss for X.  A better parent? Better husband?  Better X where X is meaningful for you.

The question is really a gap identifier.  If answered honestly you should be able to quickly state what needs to change in order for you to be a better X.  Now making yourself change it is another hurdle.

Today's question is:
"What prevents me from making the changes I know will make me a more effective X?"

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