
Monday, August 4, 2014

365QOD- Day1275

Oversharer- The Worrier

"I just bite or pull off my cuticles."- My response to stress

In the article in WSJ Office Oversharers: Don’t tell Us about last Night June 25, 2014 article by Sue Shellenbarger the fifth type she defines is The Worrier.

"Definition: The Worrier- Relies anxiety through nonstop chatter.”

I have a problem.  This problem has existed most of my life.  As a matter of fact I can not remember a time when I did not bite or pull off my cuticles.  At times my thumbs look weird because the skin above the nail looks discolored.

Other people translate stress into chatter.  They talk and talk very very fast.  It appears like a machine gun fire.  The chatter is constant and without pause.

Even though this type of person is stressed out the person might not even realize what they are sharing.  This is because they are not all there.  They minds are focused on the stress and they are simply finding relief by talking through it almost mindlessly.  My mindless reaction is to pull on the cuticles.

Today's question is:

"Do you chatter when stressed?"

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