
Sunday, August 31, 2014

365QOD- Day1300

$3000 Per Day

"333 Days of work, 32 days off"- a great formula

What does it take to make a million dollars per year?  
For 250 working days, 50 weeks of work, weekends off
1M/250= $4000/ day

For 365 working days and no time
1M/365= $2740/day

For 333 working days, and about a month off
1M/333= $3000/day

Why am I showing this?  Do I make $3000 per day?  Not yet!  It is my goal to have residual income coming in that equals that amount.  

Notice that I did say residual.  The formulas above are based on working your tail off to get to those amounts.  What I am talking about is developing products that people need that earns the same level of income continuously whether you are working on not.

So what do I believe it takes?  

In my study of others who are successful at that level, I believe that 
1.  Identify the need that you see in others
2.  Create a pipeline of products OR find a pipeline of products. 
3.  Once the pipeline has been determined, you have to put out a minimum product that satisfies the need quickly.  
4.  The product has to be sold and sold and sold.  Selling is the bloodline of any business.   
5.  Learn from customer feedback.  
6.  Modify your offers and improve and put it back on the market.  

Today's question is:
"How will you make your $3000 per day?"

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