
Sunday, August 17, 2014

365QOD- Day1287

The One Time Rule

"A recent study found that the average worker loses approximately 80 hours per years as a result of disorganization. That’s nearly two weeks of vacation! When invoices, receipts, contracts. and drafts are piled up everywhere, you’re likely to waste hours shuffling papers from one pile to another."  - U99 article Hamza Khan

Many people claim that they do not have enough time in their day to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves.  It is one reason along with money.  But that is an excuse that can easily be removed by following a simple rule.

"Ann Gomez of Clear Concept Inc. emphasizes the touch it once principle:  Process each task the first time you touch it."

This simple rule needs to be applied to many aspects of our lives.  It is not simply for paper.  It can be applied to emails, calls, bill paying, etc.  The secret is to simply batch your work. 

Batching your work means that you handle like tasks together.  SO if you decide to do email you go in and do it until your mailbox is empty.  If you are going to call people then call everyone that you need to do so within a block of time.   This simple rule of doing it once will end up in increasing the amount of time you have to do the things that lead to your goal.

Today's question is:
"Do you follow the one time rule?"

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