
Monday, August 18, 2014

365QOD- Day1287

The Why, How, and What

"Sunny Bonnell, co-founder and creative director of Motto, explains: Figure out what you stand for and what you believe in, and use that as your point of difference. In a crowd of designers, how will you stand apart? If you’re guilty of leading with what you do, start with why you do it and articulate that on your materials, website and social channels. Find out where your talents and values meet, and use that to leverage the power of your purpose."- U99 article, Follow Your Why Not Your What

It is known that often times the reason that we fail is that the Why is not bigger than our How.  I have written a few posts discussing this idea.  In a recent post  I even examined that beliefs are what the Why is truly based on.  In order for the Why to be truly bigger than the How we must spend time evaluating our beliefs. 

This quote adds to the right side of the equation.  Since Why has to be bigger than the How then we can have one of two possibilities the How is greater than the what, How>What, or the What is greater than the how, What>How.  The reason I believe that it must be the How>What version is that usually supervisor will know how to best do a job and an employee will be told what needs to be done. 

To be a complete winner, work on your beliefs which will confirm your Why.  Once you know Why you want to achieve something, get into the details of the process and completely understand how to complete the goal.  The What is the actual quality of the How work that you complete.

So mane sure your beliefs align so your Why is greater than your How which will make it easy to do the What.

Today's question is:

"Are your beliefs aligned to benefit from the Why>How>What equation?" 

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