
Saturday, April 30, 2011


" 'No gain' Often times we think in terms of short term gain instead of long-term gain. This short term preference is dangerous. ..."-some bad advise

In my opinion, there are two types of investors: short term and long term investors. Another way to say the same thing is active vs. passive.

Most investors have been brainwashed into believing that they need to be long term investors.  You hear it on the news all the time.

Some statements that you hear often are: "Make sure you have a balanced portfolio and you will be OK", "It is just a short term correction", "The stock is on sale", etc.

Money is like a wife.  You can not ignore it and hope everything will work out in the long run.  Being a long term love investor is like saying to your wife, "Honey I love you!  I will love you for the next 30 years.  I will however not tell you I love you everyday. BUT in thirty years I will shower you with love"  How far will that take you?
Don't be silly.  You have to look at the short term, everyday, and make intelligent adjustments.  The key word is intelligent.

Today's question is:
"Are you making intelligent adjustments or are you sleeping today?" 

Friday, April 29, 2011


"Every master has a master"- Anonymous

Everyday I try to add to my brain healthy positive items.  One man who has influenced me in my thinking has been Jim Rohn.  I would consider him a master of self improvement.

Often times he refers to another person who got him started in his thinking.  This person is Earl Shoaff.  To Jim, Earl must have been a master. 

Consider the quote below:
 "Life never, never withholds anything from anyone. Love, health, wealth, companionship. All these exist in infinite abundance. We alone are the ones that prevent our own good from flowing, simply because we are not aware of nature's abundance and the tremendous power dormant in each of us. Power, which unfortunately, remains untapped because we don't know how to release, and set in motion, the activities which function the laws of success."- Earl Shoaff

We are limitless.  With masters, we can get direction for our power.

Today's question is:
"On what giant's shoulders do you stand?"

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"OK..OK..OK.what is the second question"-An impatient student

Continuing with the Pierre Morency book ideas from yesterday.  The second question is even more powerful than the first.  As Joe described it,

Imagine that money is not an object for you.
You can snap your fingers and money appears.
You have no need for money.
You own 12 great homes all over the world.
You have just returned from your 14th exotic trip and it is getting old.
You own 28 luxury cars.

Today's question is:
"What do you want to do next?"-Pierre Morency

CAUTION: It is very easy to be dismissive of this question.  Don't!  Really..what would you do next?

P.S. I could not find the book for a decent price.  The price is inflated because it is from Canada.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it"- old advise

Long time ago when I was in my early twenties and working I often heard this expression thrown around by the "old timers".  I laughed with them but eventually started examples of it happening over and over again.  Enough for me not to ignore it and believe it.

I recently listened to a wonderful audio book by Joe Vitale.  In this 2 cd set he introduced a book by Pierre Morency.  What was interesting about the last segment on CD#1 was Joe refers to two questions that Morency poses in his book.  The first one is actually on the cover of the book and is the QOD.

Today's question is
"What did you ask for when you got up this morning?"-Pierre Morency

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


"Yeah.. he is smart... BUT he has no common sense"-Unknown

In yesterday's post I discussed physical strength vs. functional physical strength.

Can the same thing be said for mental strength?  Just being a Jeopardy champion does not make you functionally intelligent. 

Same thing can be said for someone with a Ph.D. Just because someone has many degrees does not mean that they functional intelligence.  Functional  mental intelligence, in my opinion, would combine being book smart with common sense. 

A great example of someone who combined these would be Leonardo Da Vinci.  A modern version would be Martin Luther King.  Both men were educated based on the standards of their day but excelled at taking that knowledge and using common sense to apply their knowledge.

Today's question is:
"What is your functional mental level? (1=poor 10=great)"

Monday, April 25, 2011


"Strength does not come from physical capacity.  It comes from an indomitable will"-Unknown

I have never been impressed with someone who lifts heavy weights and is bulked up.  In my opinion, that is not a realistic functioning strength.

That person is sacrificing functional strength for physical strength.  Functional physical strength, in my opinion, I am implying usable strength that can be used in any other sport different from weightlifting.

A great example of someone who had a lot of functional physical strength is Bruce Lee. He was not a very large man 5' 3" and weighed about 135 lb. but looking at his movies and books one quickly notices the immense functional physical strength.

When you study the style of fighting he developed one realizes that he was a close up fighter.  He did this because his eyesight was poor.  He also favored one of his legs because the other one was slightly shorter.  In other words he adapted to major physical difficulties and besides those developed into a great example of functional physical strength.

Today's question is:
"What is your functional physical level? (1=poor 10=great)"

Sunday, April 24, 2011


"Why aren't you doing it?"- a question posed to me by a reader

I was re-listening to a Tony Robbins CD the other day.  He talked about how our external world could only be changed though action.

So what prevents us from taking an Action?
So how do we overcome Fear?
How do we make ourselves make a decision?
                                                      Conditioning(your body)
combined with
                                                      Emotion(your mind)

                                   How many times?                            24-36 times

In other words, do something unpleasant by thinking of it pleasantly and emotionally with your whole body about 24-36 times until you are conditioned to make the decision automatically...fear is gone and you will take the action.

Today's question is:
"Are you willing to, using your whole body and mind, do something you currently dread 24-36 times in order to succeed?"

Saturday, April 23, 2011


"Everything could be turned into a weapon" Sara Carpenter's favorite quote

Consider the last five posts.  I took an article I read that was five pages and created five blog posts. 

One of the things that I want to do is to convert information that I consume into posts.  So if anything seems cool and informative I will try to write an entry into the blog.  This blog is one of my weapons in my arsenal.

Over time this will build the blog up but also provide a basis for a book- another weapon.  I started labeling the blog entries and hopefully by the end of the year I have about 30 topics on which I have written at least 10 entries.

The blog and the books will be a part of my brand.

As we learned from Dr. Medina's Google presentation blog entry any two topics could be turned into a good one hour presentation. Again, improving my visibility and my brand.

Today's question is:
"What are your weapons?"

Friday, April 22, 2011


"Ok, OK..enough about procrastination...can you talk about something else?"  This is the last of the four parts.

What is willpower?  The ability to make yourself do something even when you don't "feel" like it.

It is important to realize that willpower is not inexhaustible.  It can be exhausted rather quickly.  And when we do, then our ability to regulate our behavior is very low.  So how do we make it stronger?

One method of strengthening the willpower is to remind yourself of your values.  This process of self-affirmation will help to strengthen your willpower.

Another technique is to remember in an earlier step we talked about stop, acknowledge, and then Just do IT!.  In a sense this is no different that mindful meditation.  Attention is the first step in self-regulation.  By learning to keep focused attention will reduce the likelihood of procrastination by making the self-regulation muscle stronger.

Today's question is:
"Have you ever tried mindful meditation?"

P.S Dr. Pychyl's blog is:

Thursday, April 21, 2011


"Just Do It!"- slogan

In this third part on procrastinating we want to talk about reducing uncertainty and distractions.  If we can do this then the likelihood of success is increased.

First of all planning is very valuable.  BUT planning and taking action are not the same thing.  However, when we are confronted by a task that is aversive we have to recognize that this will increase the likelihood of procrastinating.

The procrastination is due to uncertainty with how to proceed.  This is due to a lack of structure for the task.  So we must make the task concrete in order to reduce the uncertainty.  In addition, when it is time to act we must stack the deck in our favor by reducing the number of distractions that will take us away from the task.

The distractions could be things such as email, computer screen, or simply the environment you are in.  Give yourself the chance at succeeding by removing yourself to a place where you will minimize the number of distractions and you will more likely not procrastinate.

Today's question is:
"Can you reduce the uncertainty and distractions with your task?"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"No gain"

Often times we think in terms of short term gain instead of long-term gain.  This short term precedence is dangerous.

According to Dr. Pychyl, when we feel that the task we have to confront makes us feel anxious or overwhelmed we give in and look for something that makes us fee good.  We seem immediate emotional relief by walking away from the task OR leaving it for tomorrow.

It is important to realize that we can have those negative feelings without acting on them.  The key is to stay put for a minute and do not give in.  Acknowledge the feeling and get started with the task anyway.  This forward momentum will change your emotional state and you will progress towards the next step.

So... Stay Put, Acknowledge It, and the Just Do IT!  The secret is the first part.

Today's question is:
"Can you stay put for a minute?"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Once you get started on a task you will continue doing it.  The key is to get started.  Emotion comes from motion.  Once motion occurs then emotion follows"

Continuing with the idea of conquering procrastination.  One of the techniques that Dr. Timothy Pychyl offers is called Time travel.

As human beings we are often not just irrational BUT predictably irrational. Future rewards seem distant and of less importance than the task at hand.  This is often true when the actual task is fun and pleasant or even free of thinking i.e web surfing.

We have to take a look at a task and visualize a future where we form concrete mental images as if it is happening in the present.  You might visualize yourself actually working on a sub-task of the task and succeeding.  Visualizing your approach and the successful completion of that sub-task is helpful.

Once you are done Time traveling connect the present to the desired future by actually accomplishing the task or part of the task.

Today's question is:
"Can you visualize a future success of a sub-task?"

Monday, April 18, 2011


"Even indecision and inaction are really decision and action"Timothy Pychyl

I was doing a little paper cleanup when I ran across a Psychology Today article I had copied from Sept/Oct 2009.  The article was about procrastination.  I re-read it.  No I was not procrastinating about reading it since then...funny :)

The best part of the article was a formula that was presented by Piers Steel.  He conducted a meta-analysis of 70 different studies.  His ultimate contribution is the utility formula which measures how likely you are to procrastinate on any given task:

Utility Function=E*(V/I)*D=EVD/I 

E(Expectancy)    is person's expectation for succeeding at a given task
V(value)             is importance/fun a given task presents
I(Impulsiveness)  is how badly you need the reward for finishing
D(delay)             is a person's need for immediate gratification, their sensitivity to its 
                          delay, how easily distracted you are

So before starting a task ask yourself and give a score on scale of 0(false)-1.0(true) for each category.

For example, suppose I want to run a marathon.  I might put my odds at succeeding at 50% so I assign a 0.5.  The value of the task is pretty high for me since it is one of my life goals so a 1.  The impulsiveness for doing it is about a 0.5.  My health would improve but my life would not change drastically.  Do I need to do it now?  It could wait till next year although my knees are starting to hurt more so I better do it this a 0.7.  Putting it together gives   P=.5*1*.5/.7=  .357  or 36% chance of procrastinating... Cool

So if I want to reduce  the P value I can increase the .7 or decrease the .5 values.  I could increase my belief of succeeding by reading runner magazines and training more often.  I could decrease my I score by making it more of a scheduled routine activity.  Now I am armed with some ideas on how to reduce the likelihood to procrastinate.

Today's question is:
"What is something you are procrastinating about? (What are our numbers?)"

Sunday, April 17, 2011


"You are a what?".

I read an interesting story tonight.  It was from Competitor magazine.  The magazine announces local running races BUT often does a few great stories.

In an earlier post I spoke of Roger Bannister who broke the 4 minute mile.  He managed to do something that most people believed was impossible to do at that time without the human heart exploding.

Just when I thought I had heard most stories of pushing human abilities to the max I read about Daniel Komen.  He is a Kenyan runner who is the only human being to have run 2 sub 4 minute miles.  In other words he ran two miles in less than 8 minutes.  WOW!

That by itself would have been impressive BUT he won all kinds of other races.

But that is not why the story was interesting.  To me the story was interesting because he failed to quality for the 1996 and 2000 Olympics BUT in between them set all these records around 1998.  And after failing to get to the 2000 Olympics he disappeared from the sport in 2002.  He now lives comfortably in Kanya.

What caused me to write this blog is the idea that this guy did something more incredible than Bannister, which is by itself great, and yet I had never heard of him.  The story goes on to say that he did it for the money.  It was not a passion of his to run.  WOW!  He managed to set world records that still stand and he only did it for money.

Today's question is:
"How long can you perform at a very high level... just for the money?"

Saturday, April 16, 2011


"Everything in life follows the 80/20 rule"-Anonymous

Vilfredo Pareto's principle was that a minority of causes, inputs, or effort usually leads to a majority of the results, outputs, or rewards.  This is where the 80/20 rule comes from.

I firmly believe this rule.  I manage projects for a living and believe that majority of my gains will be based on a few of my projects.  That is where I must focus my attention.

What about the rest of life?  It fits nicely there also.  80% of my interaction will be worthless and wasteful.  However, 20% of my interactions will provide fruits.  So one in five encounters could change our destiny.

Next time you are in a middle of an activity or conversation, ask yourself if they belong in the 20% or the 80%.

Today's question is:
"How do we maximize the benefits from those 20%?"

Friday, April 15, 2011


"Eventually everything will get done"- Anonymous

When it comes to the issue of quality then eventually is not good enough.  Most people would prefer good enough now over perfect in the distant future.

So, how do you know when good enough is good enough?  Consider for a moment that military folks never have 100% knowledge about the enemy.  I have read in the past that their decision process is based on knowing 70% of what is to be determined and believing that level is enough knowledge to move forward.

Why 70%?  If you think about it then it starts to make sense.  You must always have a bit of nervousness.  If you feel that you must know everything that you need to know then you will be paralyzed into not taking an action.

By accepting 70% you give yourself to take an imperfect action than to wait for a perfect time to act.  I believe that the same should apply in regular situations.  I have at times spent too much time thinking and not enough doing.

It is very seldom that we regret an action but often regret most inactions.  As the old saying goes.... there are more unwritten novels in a graveyard than in existence.

Today's question is:
"What are you waiting for? ACT!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011


"Everything happened in a blur"- an eyewitness

This morning I watched a very interesting presentation on the brain.
As Dr. John Medina put it in a presentation at authors@Google:

He defined the brain as:
The brain appears to have been designed to solve problems, related to surviving, in an unstable outdoor environment and to do so in a near constant motion.

In the book he presents twelve rules:
 Exercise -                    Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power.
 Survival -                     Rule #2: The human brain evolved, too.
 Wiring -                       Rule #3: Every brain is wired differently.
 Attention -                   Rule #4: We don't pay attention to boring things.
 Short-Term Memory - Rule #5: Repeat to remember.
 Long-Term Memory -  Rule #6: Remember to repeat.
 Sleep -                         Rule #7: Sleep well, think well.
 Stress -                        Rule #8: Stressed brains don't learn the same way.
 Sensory Integration -    Rule #9: Stimulate more of the senses.
 Vision -                        Rule #10: Vision trumps all other senses.
 Gender -                      Rule #11: Male and female brains are different.
Exploration -                 Rule #12: We are powerful and natural explorers.

What I found interesting about his presentation at Google is that he spoke for about an hour.  During that hour he only spoke about two of the rules.  Using the formula for the number of combination with n=12(number of rules) and r=2(taken 2 at a time)
                        C=n!/r!(n-r)!=12!/2!(10)!=12*11/2=66 different presentations of two topics.

So the moral of the story is to create a piece of work from which portions can be used to create a new whole. The old saying that the whole is a sum of its parts is not true. One can make the subsets whole pieces by themselves.

Today's question is:
"What product that you create from which portions can be extracted into a whole new product?"

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"- Albert Einstein

Several years ago I worked in steel industry.  The Bethlehem Burns Harbor plant I worked in was built in 1964 and is the last fully integrated plant(from raw products to finished product) built in United States.  It was built on the dunes and the flow of material was designed such that processes flowed from one into another.

It was interesting that we had a very young workforce with most of the workers joining the plant at the start when they were 18+-25.  So when I worked there 1989-2001 the average age was 43.  Man that seems like a lifetime ago!

Even though  it was a young plant with a relatively young workforce, it was amazing how strongly entrenched the union was.  Many change efforts that the company tried were rebuffed and eventually due to a lack of a strong will to not let the union have its way, the company went bankrupt.  The story is told  in the book Crisis in Bethlehem.

Why do I tell this story?  It seems to me a story of trying to improve but eventually management and union failed.  The chain had many strong links and a few weak ones.  Trying even different things does not mean succeeding.

Success is like old age... not guaranteed.  But without action it is certain.  Maybe more actions would have saved the company?

Today's question is:
"How many actions will you take today even though you do not feel like you are moving ahead?"

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


"One can not find simplicity by making things complex"-Anonymous

Have you noticed that we often add things to our lives?  I do believe that we should have an abundance philosophy. 

Although I believe in abundance, I do believe that we must cut things out of our lives.  At least for any new item we bring into our lives we should consider removing one item.  Find something that someone might get enjoyment out of and give it away.  Give it away anonymously if you can. How about one item per day for a year?(Sounds like an idea for another blog)

Today's question is:
"What is one item that you can give away today?"

Monday, April 11, 2011


"Nothing is easy, if it is easy then it is worth nothing"-something I told a group of lab students one morning

Why do we want things to be easy? Is it human nature?  It can not be.

A muscle that is not stretched will start to deteriorate.  A skill that is not practiced will decay.

What we should be asking ourselves is how to get stronger.  The only way to get stronger is to stretch ourselves beyond the known bounds.  If doing 10 bisect curls will make us strong then the 11th curl will make us even  stronger.   I remember when I first tried doing yoga positions in martial arts class.  I felt challenged.  After a while I picked up the book Real Men Do Yoga and I was only challenged but a few of the positions.  At one time I even thought about publishing a yoga book that I created on a beach of 50 positions that could be done consecutively and quickly to challenge oneself.

In my opinion we should not ask for things to be easy but ask for things that make us stretch and then be willing to stretch in order to grow.  Easy provides no growth potential.

Today's question is:
"How do you make something that is easy for you into something that stretches you?"

Sunday, April 10, 2011


"You will go out of business giving stuff away for free" -Anonymous

Last night I read an article in Inc by Jason Fried.  He is the author of Rework.  I have read articles by him but have not had a chance to read this book yet.

In the article

He talks about his journey and how he learned to make money along the way. 

In an earlier article he talks about why his company charges 9.99 for an app instead of .99.  His point of view is that he would rather have 1,000 customers than 10,000.  He can keep the 1,000 happy while he would lose money serving the 10,000. 

This is completely different way of approaching digital information than Chris Andersen who thinks that it should be free.  They both agree that the demo versions should be free. 

Today's question is:
"What should you charge for, that will improve your customer's satisfaction?"

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Everything in digital form is going to be Free-Chris Anderson

In the book Free the author, Chris Anderson, claims that in the world we live in people expect that anything digital should be free.  So how do you make money?

His belief is that being free allows interest to develop but that eventually you have to convert at least 5% of your "interested" customers into paying customers.

Consider Facebook.  It is free to create a profile and upload a ton of pictures.  If Facebook decided to convert its base of 500M into paying customers by charging lets say $1 per month and they achieved the 5% then 5% of 500M is 25M/month revenue or 300M per year.  Not bad...

So what haven't they adopted this model?  Because they know that if they did people will find a substitute for them.

Today's question is:
"What service that you use on the net that you would be willing to pay a little for?"

Friday, April 8, 2011


"GIGO-Garbage In Garbage Out"- computer programming expression

I often get asked have I read all of these books.  I would say that 95+ I have or they are on my list.  The 95+ percent are books from which I have learned a thing or two and want to share them with you.

I however do not get all of my information from books.  Every two weeks like a clock I enter the Lake County Library and usually pick up:
1.  4-5 new releases(every Friday)
2.  1-2 books that I found in a regular bookstore and asked for them to get on loan from another library or purchase.
3.  1-2 audio books
4.  Magazines such as:
     - Business Week
     - Fast Company
     - Inc.
     - Entrepreneur
     - Forbes
     - Fortune
     - Money
     - Esquire
     - Details
     - Oxygen(women's health magazine)
     - Men's Fitness
     - Men's Health
                                        - Black Belt
                                        - Spirituality and Health
                                        - Psychology Today
                                        - Time/Newsweek (very seldom)
                                        - Wired

What do my informational sources tell you?  I read (or listen)on the subjects of: business, entrepreneurship, money, health, exercise, spirituality, and psychology.  The book subjects are typically business, self help, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

If I felt that I was lacking information in a certain area, I would just look for a resource to add that to my list.

After I get home, I usually spend one hour going through the magazines picking out and marking the stories I would read before I start.   This saves a lot of  time and keeps my focus on only stories I found interesting to read.

Today's question is:

"What do your sources reveal about you?"

Thursday, April 7, 2011


"I did not know how to spell millionaire until I became one"-A CEO of a small company

Several years ago I was a part of a group of consultants asked to grow a business.  It did not turn out to be a positive experience for me as my role was not clearly identified and eventually we parted ways.  

Being a change agent was interesting.  Looking at the existing structure and wondering how to improve it from the outside is fun except for the people involved.

It is the story of the egg and the pig.  When it comes to making breakfast, the egg is involved and the pig is committed. 

My current work place is undergoing the re-organization effort.  It is amazing to see the many mistakes that are being made.  Even sadder, is to realize how the culture is being destroyed.  As the bible verse says, "Father, forgive them father for they do not know what they do. Luke 23:34".  They do not know what we will become. 

Today's question is:
"What are you becoming?"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"Success-Fulfillment=Failure" - spoken by Tony Robbins

So you reach the top of your profession.  You are the go to person in your field.  But you spend every waking hour thinking about work.  There appears to be a lack of balance.

You feel fulfilled at work but other areas of your life are less than perfect.  My wife uses an expression "You ain't jack".  The meaning of it is that you must be balanced in all areas of your life to be a jack (like jack of all things).

Notice that without that fulfillment it all ends up equaling failure.  All things must be balanced.  A balanced life will eventually minimize if not eliminate failure.  Then the equation becomes:

Today's question is:
"Are you jack?"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


"A successful person has to be able to Analyze a Problem, Creatively solve it, and most importantly Execute the solution"- something I said during a recent class

I had an idea the other day.  I have been teaching a class to invest in ETFs.  During a 5 week period we played on paper a strategy I developed.  They all started with $12500 and grew their portfolios.  The lowest gain was around $100 and the highest was $1255.  Using a slightly improved strategy I gained $1542.  Once a week they checked their portfolio and sold any one of the funds that dropped 10% since purchase.

So we all were able to download data, analyze it, and execute it on paper.  Now the interesting part.  I had done this several times with students over the years and always made 1000+ each time.  Why not do it for real?  Will I emotionally be attached to the outcome? 

As they say.. no guts no glory...  or better  no execution no money... so I did it...

Today's question is:
"What have you analyzed, creatively solved, but failed to execute?"

Monday, April 4, 2011


"Don't write what your readers want to read, write what you are passionate about"-Mark Cuban

When I worked in the steel industry at one time about 50 hourly employees worked in my department.  One of the most amazing facts was that a lot of people retired and then two years later died.  I used to wonder about this BUT eventually I believe I figured it out. 

Work for them was their life.  Once they retired the social aspect was gone, the physical aspect was reduced, and lastly solving problems(mental) was gone.  So in two years they were gone...

Tim Ferriss' idea of finding something physical and mental to work on fits this observation.  One of the things I love about his work is that he is always looking to stretch himself.  His second book(I have not read it yet) is in a completely different area than the first.

My current stretch goals are: to run a half marathon(if a full one is not available since I ran 5k races last year) even with bad knees AND to publish at least one book this year.  I am passionate about both of these goals. 

Today's question is:
"What one physical and one mental goal do you have for this year?"

Sunday, April 3, 2011


"Income without time has no value" Tim Ferriss

Recently I struck gold when I discovered authors at Google.  I can put on my headphones at work and listen to various authors who have visited Google and presented to their employees.  You can access them through YouTube.

The format is usually one hour and the author discusses their latest work/book.  I find that one hour is plenty.
It is enough exposure to new thinking.

I listened to Tim the other day and noted the statement above.  He has a new book called the 4 Hour Body.  I have not had a chance to read it yet but his previous work The 4 Hour Work Week was wonderful.  I have listened to it and read it several times.

He has figured out how to outsource most of his work while living abroad.  When he comes to a new place he finds something physical to do(martial art, dance, etc.) and something mental(learning a new language) to keep himself going.

I like his ideas but you might not.  However, they are new and give me something new to think about.

Today's question is:
"What new source of information have you discovered?"

Saturday, April 2, 2011


"Are you happy?"-often heard

So are you?  What is your happiness level?

Twenty some years ago when the 17 year old new king of Bhutan was asked what his country's GDP(Gross domestic product) was he asked, "Why are we so obsessed with GDP? Why don't we care more about gross national happiness(GNH)?"

Well, most of our lives are so busy and we often find ourselves happy or unhappy.  Do you track it?  Do you everyday ask yourself a question on what your level of happiness is today?  Do you generate a yearly plot that you can look at and examine when you were the happiest?

Today I start tracking my level.  I will do so in my little notepad that I carry around.

One of the most popular courses at Harvard is a course on Happiness.  The book on the left is written by the instructor.

Today's question is:
"On a scale of 1(low) to 10(very high)...What is your happiness level today?"

Friday, April 1, 2011


" what happens when you hit a wall?"-A question I posed in class last night

Last night was the last night of a business course I have been teaching for the last 10 weeks.  In the course the students learned Statistics and how to apply it to business problems.

During the discussion portion one of the students said the following, "Two weeks ago I hit a wall."
Although the students did not see it but my eyes became wide open.

So what happens when while learning a subject a student hits this wall.  One of two ways depending on their belief about themselves. 

The first way the student falls on their butt and ponders how to get around it. They conclude that they must not be smart enough to have hit the wall.  They don't believe that they can get around it so they just get up turn around and go back ignoring the wall.

The second way the student falls on their butt and ponders how to get around it. They conclude that they must get around it, through it, blow it up(thanks for the suggestion DM), over it, etc...They believe that they can get around it so they proceed trying different approaches until they get on the other side.

Be careful of thinking of yourself as being very smart.  Your willingness to look for a solution is destroyed the first time you are confronted by a difficult problem that makes you feel that you are not smart enough.

They have actually done experiments with kids in which the ones that were taught to work through difficulties are often times more willing to continue struggling longer until they figure it out.  The ones that thought of themselves as being a "genius" just gave up when confronted by an extremely difficult problem that was outside of their comfort zone.

My advice... remain teachable and keep working.

Today's question is:
"Which would you do when confronted by an impossible problem?"