
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


"A milestone.. so now what?"

First of all I want to say THANKS to my loyal readers and followers.  You are the great lubricant that makes this machine move forward.  THANKS....

When I started this blog my goal, although I did not share it with anyone, was to not miss a day of posting and to have at least 1000 views by the 100th day.  ACHIEVED!

So what should I do to celebrate?  Write more posts?  Have a celebration dinner?  Go for a long run? All these are great ideas.

I am spending today reflecting.  A while back I was having a conversation with my son, Milan, about creativity and action.  During the conversation I said the following:
"If I had simply implemented 10% of the ideas I would have been able to retire by the time I was thirty."

Pretty impressive?  I don't thinks so.  We all get ideas.  Ideas are free and easy.  Implementing them takes time and effort and most off all focused persistent action (FPA).

I do agree that it is important to celebrate BUT also check in with my vision that one day this blog will be a book.  I realize that the only way that can be achieved is through FPA.

Today's question is:
"What are you applying FPA to in your life?"

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