
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"I've but just a minute but eternity is in it"-Benjamin Mays

I listened to a book called My Hero(Day ).  One of the phrases that caught my ear was the one above. 

We are always thinking that our end date is so far in the future that we seldom worry about our current interactions.  What are we are missing is the opportunity to influence eternity through the minutes we spend with others.

So how do we influence that minute?  I believe that we must approach each interaction with the idea of it ending positively.  Think of yourself as having a light on the inside of you glowing. 

When I teach courses I approach them with the idea that when the students walk out at the end of the day/night they will feel better about themselves.  As I always say, "they don't pay me enough to fail people, they pay me just enough to show up and influence them"

Today's question is:
"Are you using your minutes or are you wasting them?"

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