"I do and do and do ... and I still seems that I do not get anywhere"-often heard
We always consider what we are doing but just as important is what we should not be doing. I am very guilty of this in my life. Often I find it difficult to say no. Even when I am swamped with work, I rarely turn down requests but instead I juggle my time to squeeze them in.
Maybe I am wrong? Maybe I need to turns down most requests and focus on the few meaningful to me.
Or maybe consider the stressful things n my life and eliminate even the smallest one. I often find myself thinking and thinking the same thing over. It might take less energy to just do it or not do it but stop thinking about it.
I am a firm believer that we live very complex lives unnecessarily. We make things important that really are not. My thinking about buying a vehicle took a six month of mental toll on me. The end result was that I bought the vehicle(Chevy Equinox) that I originally thought I wanted. The only difference was a slightly better price. At what cost? Six months of wasted productive time for a minimum savings(maybe $1000-$1500 at best). Or $250 per month. Or about $8 per day. Was it worth it? No. I love the vehicle BUT I probably could have focused my energy on something more productive by being more decisive.
One better financial decision would have netted better gains in one hundredth of the time.
Today's question is:
"What is the one thing you should stop doing that would have the most positive effect on my life?"
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