
Saturday, May 21, 2011


"Oh this sucks"-Anonymous

When things go wrong, and they do, we immediately want to judge the experience as bad.   In an earlier post I referred  to a quote from The Zen of Happiness in which God appears to a person as says, "..everything that happens to you will be the best thing that could have happened to you.."

If we use this idea then even the bad things that happen to us will prove fruitful. Therefore, we should be looking for the benefit instead of the drawback.  As Robin Sharma, the author of The Leader Who Had No Title (Simon & Schuster, 2010), suggests that we must start thinking strategically.

Don't focus so much on what happened as to what you could do with the experience and the new opportunity that has been created.  Unfortunately, we often focus on the problem and not on the opportunity in front of us.

Today's question is:
"How can you leverage this experience to become even better?"


  1. I agree with this because this only makes you more stressed and it is a waste of energy. I am currently reading (audiobook) a book by Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now", and it states you need to live in the moment and also that to not look at the bad things AS bad things but to see "ok, how can I use this as an opportunity to do something about it." The mind is a dangerous tool that is often used in more negative capacities than positive. It is not easy but we need to control the mind and not the mind control you. We live in a society where we worry about perceptions, external inhibitors that affect our emotions and our behaviors which will then affect everyone else around you. -ALEX

  2. In the Army, we had a thing called an AAR (After Action Review). It was a simple structure.

    3 sustains- 3 things that went well

    3 improves- obvious

    What can be done better next time.

    Simple and to the point, we learned from mistakes and moved on.

  3. Great comments from all.. THANKS
