
Monday, May 23, 2011


"OK give it to me...The fifth, and last, question that could lead to my personal change."-wishful thinking

We tend to go through life on automatic.   How many times have you driven to work without remembering the trip?  You remember sitting in the car, starting to think about something, and the last thing you remember is pulling into the parking lot at work.

It is no different with reactions to people that are trying to talk with us.  We believe we know what they will say and almost on automatic we fill in the words with our minds.  The start of the conversation is known but how we got to the blur part is unknown.

Living life on automatic allows us not to have to think and often masks not facing something in our life.  According to Gay Hendricks it leads to a person feeling stuck, scared, or resistant in facing some aspect of one's life.

Today's question is:
"What is it I'm not facing?"

The ExperienceLife magazine article that this series has been based on can be found at:

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