"A belief is a feeling of certainty of what something means"-Tony Robbins
Second question deals with thoughts.
We hold on to beliefs that were based on an experience(s) that might have been long time ago. Our ideas about those experiences are ingrained and often times automatic. They might not even serve us well. However these beliefs show up clearly in the thought patterns we repeat.
As Debbie Ford, author of The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life (HarperOne, 2004) suggests we must first identify the pattern and then we can help snap ourselves out by asking the powerful question, “Is this thought empowering or dis-empowering me?”
This analysis is very important to do when confronted by failure. Consider your thoughts and actions and drill down into the beliefs you have in order to take those actions. And lastly, ask the question.
If a belief is no longer serving you but enslaving you then you must change it. Now this is where it gets difficult. You must change it by replacing it with a desired belief. One way is to have the brain(that forms the new belief) attach emotions(the feeling of certainty of what that new belief means). Lastly, as suggested by the book Switch set up initial successes along your new path.
We must identify the beliefs that keep us stuck and remove them by replacing them with more empowering ones.
Today's question is:
"Is this thought empowering or dis-empowering me"
I looked through the cart of audiobooks I have gotten in and will put your name on BUY*IN by John P. Kotter. He's a professor from Harvard Business school and this book was listed as one of the best from 2010. Perhaps this suggestion would have linked better to yesterday's post...alas...
Hopefully it will provide some inspiration for you!
Keep it the good work, Mr. T!
Julie in AV