
Monday, May 16, 2011


"It is the same idea just applied on a bigger scale"

I was reading an article about Sue Gardner a director, who is the "Librarian to the World" and how she is trying to improve Wikipedia.  The article is in April 2011 issue of Fast Company.   These are the words I used to explain a concept to my wife.  (Recently I saw the site was fund raising  in order to stay free of advertising.)

I told my wife a story of a C++ and Matlab programming course I instructed around 2001.  The Matlab software was very user friendly but the manual could have been improved.  I decided to to give each student several topic to write a single page and gave them a template to use.  This was done for extra credit.

The end result was that majority of the students did the assignment and I eventually put the results in a single file and send it back to them.  In other words my idea was identical to Wikipedia, minus the editing, except it was applied on a smaller scale.

Jimmy Wales had the same idea BUT applied it on a massive scale.

Today's question is:
"What small ideas are you implementing that you should be thinking BIG?"

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