
Sunday, December 8, 2013

365QOD- Day1037

How to Tell Stories- Level1

"Tell me a story about myself when I was young"- my daughter's typical urging

The other day I was flipping through a bunch of books.  One of them was a book called Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi.  In the book I saw a figure that tried to explain story telling as having three levels.  Immediately it made me think of my blog.  I will try to illustrate it by using my blog as an example in this and next two posts.

The first level in blog storytelling is Content Awareness.

When starting to tell stories to an unknown audience the first requirement for Content Awareness is Trust(T).  You have to create the trust necessary for people to believe what you are telling them is the truth.  As you know, it is very hard to build trust over time with people and extremely easy to loose it in a moment or post.  So write what you believe and be truthful.

Second requirement is to Be Found(BF).  So what if you are creating very good trustworthy content if no one can find you.  You have to be able to pull new visitors continuously in order for you to want to continue telling your stories.  If you are a blog leader with no followers, you are simply wasting time writing. At every opportunity tell people about your blog and invite them to come and check it out.

I believe that over time you will reach the third requirement: Generate Greatness(GG).  I can definitely tell you that I am still not happy with my writing level.  I know I can write much much better if I spent more time planning, writing, and editing.  My compromise to me is to write daily with passion and do the editing at the end of the year when I put the book together.

SO the equation is:
                                CA= T + BF + GG

Today's question is:
"How do you generate awareness of your content?"

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