
Monday, December 30, 2013

365QOD- Day1059

New Resolution

“I will stop adding sugar to my coffee and  tea.”- my last year resolution

Last year I decided to stop adding sugar to my coffee and tea. I had read many studies that reported that just by stopping pop drinking you could lose 12 pounds.  It made sense so I decided to do a small experiment on myself.  I stopped for a year.

So what happened?  I managed to not add sugar directly to my coffee or tea for a year.  This may not seem like much BUT to me, before making this decision, it was impossible. Impressive?

Well, I think anytime we manage to improve anything about ourselves we should pat ourselves on the back and gloat.  I am.  But the drawback of the experiment was that it did not change my weight very much.  My weight tends to oscillate between 215 and 225.  If I exercise more it tends to be towards 215 and if I tend to overeat it leans towards 225.  Adding sugar made no difference.

To me what is important is that I do not miss the sugar.  Now I actually prefer the taste of my coffee black because I finally taste the coffee and not the cream, milk, or sugar.  Simply,  I just the taste the coffee.
Since it is the end of the year I have been thinking about what I want to get rid of in 2014.  It is only a day away and after some serious thought I have decided to give up my favorite vice- chocolate. I will not eat any desert during the next year.  What this means is that I have a lot of chocolate cleaning in my office to do tomorrow…LOL

Why chocolate?  I decided that even though I removed adding sugar I did not eliminate it totally from my diet because I still kept eating chocolate and deserts and once in a while drinking a pop.  Man this is going to be tough!  I will attempt to eliminate chocolate, deserts, and pop for a year.

Today’s question is:

“Could you give up your first and second favorite vices?”

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