
Sunday, December 22, 2013

365QOD- Day1051

Wildly Successful

"What would make this (fill in the blank) wildly successful?"- Mike Williams, CEO of David Allen Co.

We often walk into situations.  What I mean is that we walk into meetings, lunches, presentations, life events etc. where we just take part in the event.  Majority of the time this is done without a plan.

The quote offers great wisdom.  It makes sense to at least have a plan BUT to define what would make it wildly successful is genius.  By defining the goal as being wildly successful we set ourselves up for a better experience.

Imagine starting a meeting and asking this question:?  Imagine asking your date what would make it wildly successful and just listening to the answer?  In both situations you would be pleasantly surprised.  The pause to ask the question of yourself and others will be worth gold.  Try it!

Today's question is:
"What would make this (fill in the blank) wildly successful?"

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