
Friday, December 20, 2013

365QOD- Day1049

Remote Controlled Paper Airplane

"For how long will it hold their interest?" -my first thought

The other day was flipping through a bunch of stories online and one stopped me to think.  It was a story about how group has gotten funding through Kickstarter for a device that could be attached to a paper airplane to help improve the flight time.  The device is controlled from a smart phone.

This story kept coming back up in my mind.  Most of us when we were little played with paper planes.  And in the end we never quite got great at making them, we moved in to different toys.  Do kids these days even build them?

The power of the idea is in making something old into something new by adding technology to make it cool.  I believe that if you had a controllable paper plane in a park you would be swarmed by kids wanting to give it a try.  They would put their phones and  ipads down to be able to control a physical object through the phone.   do not think that paper would matter to them.  As a matter of fact after a while they would want one made up of special materials that they can fly with more control.

Today's question is:
"What old game you played can be turned into a cool new toy?"

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