Legitimate Authority-
Part 2
Principle#2 A leader
has to set up a system that is predictable.
There has to be a reasonable expectation that the rules that we will
follow tomorrow are going to be roughly the same as rules today.
One way to think through this is to realize that if A leads
to B. Then tomorrow A+(a changed A+)
must lead to B+(slightly different output B).
If A does not lead to C then tomorrow A= should not lead to C+.
In other words, I cannot tell you something different
tomorrow than today and for you not to lose my trust.
You have to be predictable in order to be
considered legitimate.
I have seen leaders who announce a change one week and next
week go against the change that they announced.
This causes confusion and lack of trust because the team will wonder
what the following week will bring.
Everyone has a change level and if you make the change too
steep, many followers will get lost.
Today’s question is:
“How predictable are
your small changes?”
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