
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

365QOD- Day1060

Special Email

"Which reminds me... I had a very bright young woman in my office this week. She was bright and educated and clever and fantastic, but I have to admit, I wasn't buying her very well-expressed desire to join our team, so I said:   Hey, look, I do career advice for a living. When you put the kids to sleep, and you have a moment in your day, and it's just you, what do you dream about doing?"-Marc Cenedella (in a 4th of July email )

How often do you save two year old emails? Or even better, do you re-read an old email from a stranger?  Well, I have this old email from Marc Cenedella that he sent out couple of years ago and I have re-read the last two years.  Why?  Because it resonates with me.  It reminds me of what is important.

The quote above helps to put me into the conversation between Marc and the person he is interviewing.  The question asks the person as to what is important to them when the world no longer gets in their way.  Wow!  We often blame others and things for not getting to do what we need to do.  But what about when there is nothing in your way, what do you dream of doing?

Today is the last day of 2013 and I believe we need to ask ourselves this very important question.  It provides guidance as to what is truly important to us.  Why is this important?    Marc reminds us that:

"There's no storybook about "The Boy Who Followed Somebody Else's Dream", no movie rights sold for the tale of "It Wasn't Within My Purview To Consider Alternatives", no Sinatra tune entitled "I Did It The Way My Critics Requested I Do It"."

Today's question is:
"What do you dream about doing?"

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