
Monday, December 9, 2013

365QOD- Day1038

How to Tell Stories- Level2

"I want to be a leader..a thought leader"- my words

In post Day1037 we talked about Content Awareness as being the first level of telling stories.  This level is all about establishing trust(T), being found(BF), and generating greatness(GG).  In this post we will move on to level two.

Level two is when a blog creator becomes a Thought Leader(TL).

The first requirement to becoming a Thought Leader is to Create Trust(CT).  In level one we established trust and on this level we are creating trust.  What is the difference?  Either you have trust or you don't?  I believe that the difference rests in the time frame.  People will give you initially invest in you a small level of trust.  If they feel like you deserve it they will increase and the bond will become stronger.  I believe that if you have written without abusing this trust for a while, maybe 6 months to a year, you will reach the CT level.

Second requirement of being thought of as a TL is to start to Meet Demand(MD).  Your audience will get used to your publishing schedule and pretty soon you will be synchronized.  If you publish monthly they will know.  If you publish weekly they will tune in weekly.  Daily publishing is a challenging but in my opinion it is worth it.

The third requirement for level two is to become an Efficient Funnel(EF).  I believe that most people are too busy to dedicate themselves to following anyone.  They will sporadically read your work as long as you are able to help they learn something new quickly.  They do not want to be sold to and have to read a book every time they show up to your blog.  Short and sweet.  With that said, I have started writing slightly longer posts this year.  Why?  I noticed that the longer ones expressed my ideas better and lead to larger audience.  But be careful!  Key word here is Efficient.

Unlike level one where you had to move from trust to being found to generating greatness, level two works best as an intersection of these requirements.  I will model intersection as ^.

As an equation level two can be modeled as:
                                                                    TL= CT ^ MD ^ EF

Today's question is:
"Do you want to influence your audience's thoughts?"

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