
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

365QOD- Day1039

How to Tell Stories- Level3

"The ultimate level: Storyteller"- my interpretation of a figure in the book Epic Content Marketing by Joe Pulizzi.

Top,third, level in telling stories is to become a Storyteller(S).

First requirement of being classified as Storyteller is to Create Demand(CD).  After a while on not abusing the trust that readers have entrusted you with, your audience will grow.  But to create demand you have to continue learning and developing in order to share your growth.  The demand will not be there if you talk about the same topic every day.  If you did that it sounds like preaching instead of sharing something cool with your audience.

As you continue to learn and develop you will start to differentiate yourself.  The second requirement of this third level is Differentiates(D).  If you sound like someone else then you do not sound like yourself.  It is easy to fall in this trap.  It is easy and lazy thinking.  Read others but think for yourself and provide that difference as the reason for your audience to want to hear your thoughts.  Remember that is everyone is thinking the same thoughts then no one is thinking.

Last requirement of the third level is to Creates Evangelists(CE).  This is when the audience snowballs your efforts and you experience step change levels in audience numbers.  The audience invites others to become members of the audience.  You then have Evangelists.

At this level the intersection is so large between these three requirements that it is hard to tell whether you are creating demand, differentiating, or creating evangelists.  Or all three at the same time.   As an equation, S=function of(CD,D, CE)

As a review, the equations for the three levels are:
                                                         CD= T +CD+ GG
                                                         TL= CT ^ MD ^ EF
                                                          S=function of(CD,D, CE)

So where am I?  I believe that I am somewhere in the Thought Leader level.    But now I realize that I need to improve my differentiation, creating demand, and hopefully convincing evangelists to help me.

Today's question is:
"How good of a storyteller are you?"

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