
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

365QOD- Day1040

How Do You Judge a Book?

"Not that many"- my words after reading Malcolm Gladwell's David and Goliath book

In my opinion, one way I judge a book is by the number of pages I have dog eared.  This allows me to quickly go back through the book and re-read the key points.  Often times some of these marked pages become topics for a future blog post.

Why is this important?  Well, I thought that this is a good way to judge a book.  But maybe I am wrong?  I just got through Malcolm's book and only made four marks.  I enjoyed most of the book and was excited to tell others to pick up the book before I finished?

The book is very interesting but not very useful to me as a thinking tool.  This could be because, even though I enjoyed it, I had issues with some of the conclusions.  But I never expect to find a book that I completely agree with.

Today's question is:
"How do you judge a book?"


  1. Robert, I love this book too. I'm reading it now, almost done. Have you heard him on YouTube? I missed him in Chicago this year.

    1. I just got gone with it. Overall a good book...thanks for commenting
