
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

365QOD- Day1158

Crazy Questions

"Q: What type of questions don't get asked early or often enough in innovation projects?
A :  ...Second ones are the crazy questions.  What if we were to subvert all of the assumptions in the field and do something ridiculous?..."- Warren Berger, Inc. article

Are there such things as crazy questions?  I don't think so.  To me they are out the box thinking questions.  These are the ones that lead to innovative solutions instead of just rational solutions.

We have to realize that as much as we don't believe it we approach problem solving with many assumptions built in.  We have already decided what subset of solutions will work and which ones will not.  All we do next is try to lead ourselves to the rational answer that everyone buys in.

But this approach stymies our thinking and limits our toolbox.  It gives us the same solutions to the same problems and never leads us out of the box to better answers.  JUMP OUT OF THE BOX!

Today's question is:
"How might we ask more crazy questions?"

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