
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

365QOD- Day1178

Your Trophy

"What trophy do we want on our mantle?"- Marcy Massura

This is another question in Inc. article titled 35 Great Questions.  It questions our definition of success.  And more importantly how we define success as individuals.

We all have different measures by which we judge something as a success.  I might judge a product success by simply finishing it.  Others might judge the same product by how profitable it is?

The lesson is that one measure does not fit all.  It is no different with employees.  One might value more money as the only thing that matters.  Another might value an additional week of vacation as a great reward.  Everyone and every success is unique.

The quote above asks us to evaluate for ourselves what is the most important measure of success.  If you feel that by doing X you will get a reward Y, what is Y for you?  Even if no one else values it, what will Y give you?

Kids these days get involved in many sports and often time their rooms will display many trophies.  I believe if there are too many trophies then the achievement gets lost.  One big trophy stands out more than many participant trophies.

Today's question is:
"What is your one big trophy you would place on a mantle?"

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