
Sunday, April 27, 2014

365QOD- Day1176


"I have just three things to teach: simplicity(S), patience(P), compassion(C).  These three are your greatest treasures"- Lao Tzu (I added the S, P, and C)

The other day I found myself looking through calendars.  It is end of April but there were many cool looking calenders for sale.  The quote is from a Zen calendar.  I believe that the three things are priceless and worth exploring.

Often times simplicity provides the least convoluted solution.  It also provides the clarity to clearly see the solution without all of the fluff.  The solution should be simple enough to solve the problem and not complicated because we want it to be cool.  Simplicity could also mean not being dragged down with extra things in our life but living a life filled with only things we need.

Patience is a virtue is an old saying.  Learning patience is hard.  In our world today speed is valued and because of that we have taken up the habit of multitasking.  Even though most of us believe that we are multitasking we really are wasting time moving from one task to another.  Have patience and focus on the task at hand and simply finish it before moving to another.

Compassion is also missing in our world.  We judge others so harshly and save the worst for our self.  We need to note that we are perfect the way we are.  Our past choices are the best we could have made with the inputs we understood at that time so stop playing them over and over again.  The universe is as it should be.  You are as you should be.

Today's question is:
"What else would you teach besides SPC?"

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