Don't Show Compassion
"Compassion is for softies."- a foolish belief
Principle#4: Show compassion
As leaders we have to understand taht people are people first and employees second. If you are a driven manager who only understands financial targets you will never see a step change in performance from your team. You will meet your targets but never exceed them greatly.
In order for people to do their best work they have to have a connection to you not only as the manager but as a leader. They have to be willing followers. They are human beings not just robots of execution.
If you show no compassion for them, their outside issues, and internal problems they will never connect to you. The compassion connection is critical for a team to feel like a true team. The connection between managers and employees provides the meaning to the work that they are doing. So a leader without compassion is in danger of losing grounds due to lack of connection to their followers.
Caution: compassion can not be faked. If you are not willing to listen to people and become a part of their world, you will be their manager but not their leader.
Today's question is:
"How do we genuinely show compassion to others?
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