Broken Bell Curve
"Hire ten Einsteins, nine of them will be great, fire the one that is not"- Result of faulty corporate review process
Principle#8 Get rid of poor managers.
This principle is a very tough one to stomach and can easily be abused. In my career I have seen great employees who have been terminated because of their poor bosses.
Hell GE even boasted of getting rid of 10% of their employees. The CEO Jack Welch thought that it was better to get rid of the bottom performing employees than to help them achieve success. He hired well, and fired fast.
So is GE a better company today? Are other companies without imagination that follow the GE model better off? I do not believe they are. All that this type of thinking does is make employees want to play the game long enough until they realize that it is not a matter of whether they will be fired, but simply when.
Following this principle literally creates fear in employees and eventually they have to leave the game in order to start somewhere else as the new Einstein.
Today;s question is:
"Are you and Einstein or a dunce?"
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