
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

365QOD- Day1172

How's the Water

"in an old tale two fish are swimming against the current.  They pass by an old fish swimming in the opposite direction.  The old fish ask the two, 'How's the water?  The fish keep going and then look at each other and ask themselves,'What the hell is water?"'- An old tale

The other day I was listening to an old video titled This is water by David Foster Wallace.  It was a video that taught a graduating class many great truths.  It is worth searching for.

The tale by itself teaches a great lesson.  How often do we recognize the obvious?  The fish are surrounded by it but yet do not know the name or what it is.

What are some equivalents to waters for us?  I believe daily work life presents many water situations.  We naively plow through the day chores while being surrounded by many people's emotions.

These emotions could be self-directed by others or hidden towards others.  They can be constructive or destructive.  Yet we might not even notice them or their potential effect on our career.

I believe we need to spend 1% of our day thinking about the emotional state of those around us at work.  Where are they at and more importantly where are they heading.  It could be to our peril if we do not invest these 15 minutes.  An insecure person around us could be a great danger.

Today's question is:
"What are the emotional states of those around you?"

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