
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

365QOD- Day1338

Manager of the Present

"Lets go team!"- a manager's urging

In the Forbes article titled, The evolution of the Manager and What it Means to You by David Sturt and Todd Nordstrom. also details the characteristics of a Manager of Today.

If we were to look back into management theory of today, what would a manager of a typical department do and behave during the last 5 years?  What would be some descriptive terms that we would use?  How did they make their employees feel, act, and do?

Most mangers of today realize that just because they are the boss their true title is more of a Coach/Motivator.  They see their role as the person that needs to build up their team.  Everyone on their team might not be their first choice but they need to coach them to get them to a better state.

The manager of today has to Oversee Performance.  In the end without results nothing matters.  Without results there is just talk of intent.  A coach has to help the team to get to a better performance level.  Some companies take this to an extreme and systematically hire 10% of their bottom performers.  But if you have been coaching and overseeing eventually your bottom performers will be equal to your top and then you are getting rid of great employees.

The focus on performance is driven by Focusing on Improvement.  With many quality arena today a manager can reduce the number of defects that are produced and ultimately drive towards a near perfect quality.  Sometimes the focus is so much on improvement that the people doing the work feel like they can not keep up.

The manager is judged by the results that they produce.  They have to Look Over the Result constantly. As the old saying goes, "Trust but Verify."   The manager of today is not like the boss of the past.  They will not hover over you but will periodically check in to make sure that forward progress is being achieved by reviewing current results.

A team gets judged by performance.  The manager of today is aware that people have many distractions these days and that they have to Enforce Productivity.  By periodically checking in on the status that manager of today is saying to the employees that this is the expected place that I need you to be.  If the team is not there a manager typically woks with the team to help them achieve that intermediate goal.

A manager of today is mart enough to know that they do not know it all.  Unlike the boss of the past, they have to Accepts Perspectives of their teams.  Their team's knowledge and experience brings solutions to the table that the manager might not have seen.  The manager has to accept that and encourage it.

Because the world is moving so much faster than 50 years ago, a team must produce now and a manager has to Demand Cooperation from each team member.  As many managers of today say, "There is no I in team".  Teams must be functioning and perform in order to exist.

Today's question is:
"Do you fit the mold of a manager today?"

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